
Saturday, August 19, 2006

Her Prayers!!!

Today i won the gold medal in anna university Football zonals.Nobody expected us to win when we started bcoz more than half of the team are freshers.It was around 32 colleges and we went stronger match by match.We fought hard and in the end we won 1-0.We had one of the strongest team in tamilnadu for past 2years but we cant win the zonals those days but now with more no of freshers we fought hard and won.We won the GOLD!!!

The prayers angel made on 11th July, touched me late.i was thinking of her both before and after the match.i went to the temple after many years and prayed for angel in the evening.Wherever she is "i want her to be happy...".One day nor the other,i will handover that gold medal to angel.Waiting patiently to meet angel & her parents on 10.06.2011