
Saturday, December 15, 2007

My Re-Union – An Unknown Beautiful friend of mine

People who read my last years blog about Reunion would remember my friends and the fun we had. This time I will say about my another friend I had in my school days. Many don’t know her. Only, a few of mine who is closer to me knows about her.

Going years back, the Happiest part of my life where I never used to bother of anything and lived life enjoying every single moment with my friends and family.

The day will start with a smile seeing my mothers face and a small fight with my sister. Each day, we used to invent new new reasons to fight and this never stops till we go to bed and sometimes in the dreams tooo...

Looking back into my diary,
It was on 6th May 1995, i stepped into my school for the first time in my life.Its a Boys School. That’s the first time I saw that beautiful place filled with flowers, listening the song of the kukoo, the Soccer field(I dunno at that time that,it will become my best friend) and all. I lost my heart on my first sight and fighted with my dad to join that school as he had some other option in his mind.

I got some wonderfull friends before I joined school who incidently was my classmates and also my best friends in my life. Incidently one of his name is VINOD and the other one is Satyan. We were friends from the Training classes for the entrance exam we had in our school.

I loved playing soccer in that ground. “Soccer field”, it was my best friend ever who gave me many wonderfull moments in my life to cheer about. Who gave me many good friends in my life.

In the meanwhile during the day, when I am in school I got her friendship.

She used to wait for me in the hot sun and in the rain. She used to wait for me all throughout the day. I see her daily and i never missed her during my Lunch. I used to go to her and talk with her. Along with my Friends, we used to sit and lye on her laps and start sharing what all happened on the day. Sometimes we used to sleep sharing things with her.

She used to be there whenever i needed and listened me and made me feel easier

During those examination days, we used to go and study with her. I used to pray with her before I leave for exams. And once the exam got over we used to share our question paper with her. All went good till the year April 2000. Later due to circumstances I had to miss her and my friends, as I moved to other school. But whenever I get time, I used to go and see her. I used to lye and sleep on her laps. She offered us peace…

This year I missed my friend. But she is always waiting for us at the same place. Ohh….! Sorry, forgot to introduce my friend na….. Wondering how a girl can be there in a boys school na???
She used to Stand at the back of the Second Main Soccer Goal Post near the back gate of our school decorated with those yellow colour flowers. Yes, she's a tree... This is the place we would gather to meet our friends during every re-union.

Everytime when the Reunion day comes, I used to sit back and think of those wonderful days I had in my school. I used to think of those priceless gems I earned in my life called “FRIENDS”

This year the Re-Union day was on 15th December 07. Every year we are looking for this day. No matter where we are...On Re-Union day, we will assemble together to meet our friends & our Teachers. That’s the promise we hold.

Due to some reasons, I couldn’t make up this year. But all throughout that day, my thoughts were all around my school and my friends. That’s the kind of impact/feeling my school has made it in us.

check our school link