
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Cant Smile without you...

You know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile without you

You came along just like a song
And brightened my day
Who would have believed that you were part of a dream
Now it all seems light years away

And now you know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile

Now some people say happiness takes so very long to find
Well, I'm finding it hard leaving your love behind me

And you see I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel glad when you're glad
I feel sad when you're sad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile without you

--Barry Manilow

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Its Easter....

I dunno that this day has loads of surprises for me. I woke up at 6 with a short prayer I went and opened my window curtains. Iam surprised. With my eyes wide opened I just forgot myself for about a hour. Iam soo happy and just want to go outside and play.

Its really a beautiful sight to see the white snow falling on the ground. All the places filled with snow. I ran through the steps and took the snow in my hand and started playing with them.

After 10 to 15 minutes I realised I didn’t wear my winter jacket and im feeling soo chill. I ran back weared my jacket and came back and started playing with snow. No one to partner me but I played on my own. I kissed the snow for the first time and started building dolls. I made some of my favourite cartoons specially Tom & Jerry. But the doll of my history teacher was my favourite..eeeee

I ringed my home and said tat im playing with snow. I set my camera and started dancing in snow. Good Clips.. Aren’t they???

Days are painy yet the beautiful snowfall made me to have a party on my own. I do enjoyed everysingle moment with the snow. Still now I was enjoying the painy days waiting for my day but this beautiful snowfall brought joy to my heart.

When the sun came out and the snow started melting, I started feeling sad as if my close friend was leaving me. For a moment I was angry with Sun. I sat down and waited till the evening… will my friend will come again to bring joy to my heart..??? As the light dimmed, I started losing hopes and started filling my diary “After 95 years cambridge had snowfall in spring and im lucky to be here……”

It’s a real Easter for me.

Friday, February 8, 2008

thana naaaa na naa na.....

Let me try to put something in my blog before I land in Cambridge(UK). Things got busy and I lost interest in this materialistic world. Anyhow I made my life interesting with things what I learned from my parents. Whatever I do, I used to give my best shot. If it is happy, I would be the happiest person in this world or if it is pain, I would enjoy my pain whole heartedly.

I always try to explore things within my limits. Hmmm limits??? Let me say something about it.

From my childhood I used to think a lot about how should I be, in my life. My parents made it very simple to me. All they said me is, Listen your heart and do what u feel is good.

I had my own set of principles towards my life. ohhh… I don’t want to bore u guys with them.. Let me try to make this blog some what interesting…

Let me say how I spend my day…

The day starts with meditation along with a hiiiiiii to early sunrise. A silent voice from my heart says, I can do it and I will. I just think of my dreams for a moment with a wide smile. That’s how my day starts.

Hmm…Childish Professional????
Good Nickname… isn’t it???
People call me so, but to be honest I love to be a child all throughout my life. I used to forget things easily. Lots of funny things happened with my very good, poor memory….. hahaha

Me & My sister used to have a same color bag. Once in a hurry, I took her bag to college. It was a real funny incident. I traveled with my sister’s bag. Ayyo, thank God!... there was no ticket checking on that day(Because My bus-pass was in my bag and I don’t know its her bag while traveling)…. Hmmm when I say about checking inspector I remember another funny incident.

From my college to avadi-bus depot I have to take ticket. The bus will be soo rush.As soon i get the ticket, i will put them in my bag because I feel that I may miss the ticket in that rush & I never used to dispose those tickets later.

Days moved and tickets started filling my bag and one fine day, checking inspector came. When I opened my bag for tickets, ayyo I had some handful of tickets.. I don’t know which one is the correct ticket and by the time trying to spot the correct one, the checking inspector came to me.

I don’t know what to do. I gave him the entire bunch of tickets. Hahaha, his face went really small and he was trying to figure out the correct one. It was really funny. Once he left the bus, we really laughed like anything and from that day, whenever I see checking inspector I used to laugh within myself…

Ohh.. I went back to old days aa.. ok let me come back to my present.

The house owner is a milkman. He has cows and goats. Early morning after the meditation I used to go down and play with those goats. In mean time those goats became my friends. Everyday before I leave out of my room and enter my room I will talk with those goats.

I don’t know why… I always love villages. Although I lived in a City from my birth, for some reason I never liked cities. I love to walk on those greenish & pleasant farms. I love the smell of the village sand that comes during rain, I love the village people (they are very kind hearted) and many more… I loved to live in village rather than in this materialistic City.

From my childhood, My love and passion was towards INDIAN AIRFORCE but due to some reasons I stepped into this software field. I love what iam & i love what i do and this is what which keeps me charged with passion in this Software field.

Oops..! im again taking u back towards my life…. so I feel I should stop here…. Whatever it is I loved every single moment of my life. I enjoyed both happiness and pain with my whole heart, as I strongly believe everything happens for a reason….

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Loneliness one of the hardest things in life to pass by. It tests both our character and mental toughness. All these years grown under the shadows of parents love & care, I found it difficult to adjust to this new world.

I do miss my friends and family. I do miss my beloved sister and our daily fights. It brings smile when I used to think of those reasons we used to fight. Sometimes I feel we have to patent those reasons.

No word for sports in this Professional life. It’s a challenge to work here and battling every day having fun with my team-mates learning new things.

I don’t watch movies and I never went for theatres and so I don’t want to get into a habit of learning those. Apart from Volunteering activities, I found difficult to battle against this loneliness specially during my early part of my professional life.

I don’t like reading novels nor watching Television (cartoons, sports & news are exceptions). The battle was hard specially on those weekends.

I started to explore ways to battle against this gentlemen Loneliness & ended up with the city map spotting some of the cultural and religious places.

I loved the early morning walk on the necklace road along with meditation before the sunrise. Then a walk to Sri Ramakrishna Math, One of the best places I loved to visit in Hyderabad. With instrumental musics around I loved reading those spiritual books.

Photography has become my latest friend joining hands to battle against this Gentleman Loneliness. click here for some latest collection of my album

Also had a try with cooking. But later dropped down the option as i had some worst experience with noodles ended up with soup & sambar ended up with salty rasam. Really had a hard time tasting my own cook :(((

But at the end, i really enjoyed all those movements i passed in this battle. I Love what i do and I Love what i am.

I badly do miss my soccer. Weather i am happy or sad, I always expressed my feelings playing soccer. But later, missing my soccer friend, I fell in love with this blog. Love makes people blind and yes it happened with me. My love with this blog made me forget its limitations. I do got attached to it very close. I don’t want to repeat it again as I make an end to my blog with this “full stop”.