
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Living for the Moment 2011*

Still 4 and half years to pass for meeting her parents & tell about us...Waiting to see my unknown angel.

Oh god!!!,how it would be???

Lets turn back and see how we met and travelled this far....

It was on 26th June when i met my angel online.Her name is Angel.It was a friendly meet. She was so cute and at first i struggled to spell her name.I dunno that, later she would be my world. I didnt even imagined that i would meet such a girl in my life. She was the one i dreamed of. Days moved and we fell in the madness LOVE.

Before meeting her,i thought the word LOVE is foolmens paradise. But after she came into my life, i realised it was wrong. She made me realise "LOVE" is two hearts beating together,two hearts caring for eachother....i realised "Love is a heavenly feeling between two hearts".

It was on 12th July when i and angel proposed each other.I still remember each and every word she spoke with me on that day...its the day where i told my love and she told her love...I couldnt forget that day...

Days moved & one day she called me. "HELLO!!! Vinoth, iam ANGEL......"those words still repeats in my ears.It was the sweetest music i hav ever heard. Those "hmmm" & "ahaaa" sounds, i love to hear them all throughout my life.The first song she sang for me, i couldnt forget it in my life...

I could feel & realise each and every moment of hers. i could feel her happiness, sadness, tears, smile... In short i could feel what she thinks and does...We were the perfect half made in heaven & thats what i realised with her.

Tomorrow("July 2nd") is my Birthday Vinoth.It was sunday and she made me to sit an entire day infornt of my PC to wish her.Later a week after she told me that it was a lie.The sweetest lie!!!...

Sleepless nights with two hearts beating together, it was gr8. It could not be expressed merely by words.Her prayers,Her smiles,Her words still repeats in my heart...I was in HEAVEN....Speaking in classrooms sitting in the corners of the desk is a thrilling experience.

It was in the month of August when tat funny incident took place.I was making arragements for the National Level Project Exhibition.i was incharge of inviting the colleges in Tamilnadu. I used to finish my work quickly & i will call her when iam free.we used to chat. I used to call her from the public phone in college. Here in chennai there is a ban on bringing mobiles to college(we will hide and bring).On that day the telephone in our college was having some problem.i dunno how to call her and inform iam free in the Net lab. Mean while the classes were going on for the other fellows. My HOD was taking the classes and i asked his permission and got his mobile and rang her in the class infront of HOD.he thought i was ringing to some college regarding the Exhibition.....But my friends knew to whom iam calling and they laughed at the moment. It was quite funny.

LOVE is not only HEAVEN but it is also a HELL when u dont get together.She made me realise both of them.

I still could remember those 50days when we two are apart due to som problems in her home.Those days it was a damn hell. i pray that no one should go through those rough patches as i did.

The promises we shared, still stays touchy in my heart.She plays with me, She hurts me, She teases me,She orders me, She kicks me....all because she loves me!!!!

Waiting for the moment on 2011 to meet her parents and tell about us....I already told about us to my parents and friends. They didnt believed me at first but now they are more eager than me to see my angel on 2011. Till then waiting to see ANGEL.Living with her in my Dreams!!!

LOVE is BLIND!!! my case it was 100% TRUE!!!...

LOVE made me care,cry,smile,hurt,heal,sacrifice,wait.......It made me a complete Human.It made me taste the mixture of Heaven & Hell.

But now i could not express my love as b4 after all those hurtings but loving her more than b4 in my heart. Words may be left unspoken but my heart still cares and feels for her....Whenever i think of her, my heart gets filled with joy and eyes gets filled with tears but i cant enjoy those joy or leave those tears of those hurtings but i love her a lot.

LIVING IN DREAMS........i could not say her how much i love her because there is no such words to explain my love. But all i can say her is "Close your eyes and keep your right hand on your heart and ask it...It says my LOVE....Deeper than the ocean and wider than the sky....."

I was not the only one who loves her, it was my complete family who loves her after i told about us!!!!

The one & only wish i make to god is "make me hear those sweetest music all throughout my life...."

Now Vinoth is living for the moment 2011....Living to meet my ANGEL & her parents on 10.06.2011. Will tell about us to her parents on that date and wait for their decision...Perhaps waiting for her till i live......

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Reunion Day!!!

Today is REUNION DAY in our school. One of those memorable moments. Only a few friends came but it was nice to see all my teachers both retired and present one to see at a place…it was a wonderful opportunity to get to them & interact with them remembering those moments…it was simply GREAT….

It was too GR8 to see the old students who is 30yrs and more seniors to us turned up searching for there classmates….The oldest student who is 90yrs came searching for his classmates/friends….it was a great feeling to see those grandpas and old gentlemen searching for there friends….even the chief guest and some politicians came and they too had an memorable moment….no one can forget that moment…..after a longtime we roamed on the corridors of the school sharing jokes…..well lots of things….

Seeing the old faces and recognizing each and everyone, remembering those incidents that happened in our school life and passing comments on them, it was so much wonderful experience. Introducing ourself to the old teachers again and making them to recognize us with an incident….hmmm lots of fun.

Going back to the history our school has one of the strongest Football team in Tamilnadu. We had more foreigners and Manipuri’s in our school. Seeing the Ground, we remembered the finest goals and Soccer moments that took place in that ground. Still I cant forget my seniors USHA and ROBIN. They are so good in scoring goals. Those Banana kicks and siccers, I didn’t see those shots still after my school life. Oh god!, they are too good. There are more such moments. During Soccer match, when our school scores, the entire school cheers them from the class rooms. We had a separate block for almost every classes. First the ninth and seventh standard rocks followed by each class…It was amazing to look back to those moments

I went to each classroom I studied and sat on my place were I used to sit….wow!!! all the moments came in front of my eyes….How it would be if I get those school days back…I love to spend atleast a week in our class studying with my old classmates and teachers. JUST A REWIND BUTTON IN MY LIFE!!!

I had a good relaxed walk in the MRF Pace Foundation & auditorium….My school was like college…The biggest school in Tamilnadu, may be the biggest in INDIA. We had lots of fun.

Those moments were Beautiful in my life time.

Thank GOD for creating such an opportunity to meet my classmates & seniors again….

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Her thoughts, as beautiful as ever.....

Along the sea shores,
holding her hand,
waves kissing our feet,
we r in love...we r in love...

the reddish sun and the fading light,
with those naughty smiles and gentle shyness,
iam in heaven, iam in heaven...

get down!,stopping came...

oh god!!!,
iam in dream with tears filled in my hrt...

even those hour & half journey,
she was my thoughts....

closer i loved,stronger she hurts...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Birthday Surprise.....

These days she started to make so much buid up about my birthday gift.She is not even letting me to sleep with those surprises.i was guessing each and everyday.Today it was more...But the greatest gift on my birthday is to hear her voice but i dont want to make her into trouble because of me again.So i told her not to call me on my birthday.Anyway i will be celebrating my birthday on 2011 with her.We both together wil celebrate it in a grand manner.

Smita is also making so much build up about the birthday gift.ahaa...i cant forget this birthday one because of angel and the other is because of those heavy build up for the surprises.I never celebrated my birthday till now & these things are something different to me...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Her Prayers!!!

Today i won the gold medal in anna university Football zonals.Nobody expected us to win when we started bcoz more than half of the team are freshers.It was around 32 colleges and we went stronger match by match.We fought hard and in the end we won 1-0.We had one of the strongest team in tamilnadu for past 2years but we cant win the zonals those days but now with more no of freshers we fought hard and won.We won the GOLD!!!

The prayers angel made on 11th July, touched me late.i was thinking of her both before and after the match.i went to the temple after many years and prayed for angel in the evening.Wherever she is "i want her to be happy...".One day nor the other,i will handover that gold medal to angel.Waiting patiently to meet angel & her parents on 10.06.2011

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I Love U!!!

Gone mad!!!
To hear from her
"Vinoth!, i love u da..."
gone mad!!!...