
Saturday, December 9, 2006

Reunion Day!!!

Today is REUNION DAY in our school. One of those memorable moments. Only a few friends came but it was nice to see all my teachers both retired and present one to see at a place…it was a wonderful opportunity to get to them & interact with them remembering those moments…it was simply GREAT….

It was too GR8 to see the old students who is 30yrs and more seniors to us turned up searching for there classmates….The oldest student who is 90yrs came searching for his classmates/friends….it was a great feeling to see those grandpas and old gentlemen searching for there friends….even the chief guest and some politicians came and they too had an memorable moment….no one can forget that moment…..after a longtime we roamed on the corridors of the school sharing jokes…..well lots of things….

Seeing the old faces and recognizing each and everyone, remembering those incidents that happened in our school life and passing comments on them, it was so much wonderful experience. Introducing ourself to the old teachers again and making them to recognize us with an incident….hmmm lots of fun.

Going back to the history our school has one of the strongest Football team in Tamilnadu. We had more foreigners and Manipuri’s in our school. Seeing the Ground, we remembered the finest goals and Soccer moments that took place in that ground. Still I cant forget my seniors USHA and ROBIN. They are so good in scoring goals. Those Banana kicks and siccers, I didn’t see those shots still after my school life. Oh god!, they are too good. There are more such moments. During Soccer match, when our school scores, the entire school cheers them from the class rooms. We had a separate block for almost every classes. First the ninth and seventh standard rocks followed by each class…It was amazing to look back to those moments

I went to each classroom I studied and sat on my place were I used to sit….wow!!! all the moments came in front of my eyes….How it would be if I get those school days back…I love to spend atleast a week in our class studying with my old classmates and teachers. JUST A REWIND BUTTON IN MY LIFE!!!

I had a good relaxed walk in the MRF Pace Foundation & auditorium….My school was like college…The biggest school in Tamilnadu, may be the biggest in INDIA. We had lots of fun.

Those moments were Beautiful in my life time.

Thank GOD for creating such an opportunity to meet my classmates & seniors again….

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