
Thursday, February 8, 2007

Battle between Brain & Heart!!!!!

Wake up, wake up my dear(HEART)….talk to me, talk to me!!!!
Why are you these days not talking to me(from 5th Dec 06)….wake up dear, wake up!!!!

(No response)

Wake up, wake up….talk with me….
Why are you dead these days???? what happened to you???

(slowly beats….. as Angel angel, Angel angel INSTEAD of lubb dubb, lubb dubb)

What happened to you???? Beating different…why are you not talking to me these days??? talk to me dear!!!!

Angel…Angel…(it continues to beat as Angel and never responds)

Why you always think of her……why are you not talking with me??? what happened to you??? Talk to me please…..iam nothing without you!!!! please talk with me…..please…..

(it stays calm and again it beats as Angel angel……..)

Why you always function thinking of her, caring for her?...can't you think of you?…how long will you keep on thinking her…what made you soo??? She keeps on hurting without saying any reason but you keep on living with her thoughts….can't you live without her??? can't you function in a normal way???? you these days not talking to me and if at all you come alive you think about her???? Are you MAD???

(again after a long pause it starts beating Angel angel, Angel angel…….)

Now Stop playing. you better talk with me or get lost??? Answer me what happened to you???? I can't live without you….don’t be idle and talk with me!!!!

After a deep silence answers ”You can't live without me and I can't live without her……”
(after answering it again starts beating Angel angel, Angel angel…..and slowly goes idle without talking as B4…)

Ohhh…..but don’t forget me…please remember me atleast and take care of me too…… Love You!!!!

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