
Monday, July 30, 2007

One evening, walking in the RAIN.....

Sitting in the second floor with music of those keyboards all throughout day caused due to busy programming, I Slightly turned my chair, watching outside through the glass wall. Hmm.. Its so dark & its raining heavily. The water is flooding through the roads and people were walking, slightly lifting there pants.

Its almost 6.30pm, I have been about 10 hours in office and its time I have to give me some break for the day.

By the time I left my office, its drizzling outside. I slowly walked down the road enjoying the slight breeze and the chillness in air. More than that its drizzling & I loved to walk around the atmosphere.(I love to walk in rain because no body knows I am crying –by Charlie chaplin… these words were 100 percent true for me these days)

The bus stop is so busy with peoples rushing to catch buses which is already full. I decided to walk a kilometer searching for a hostel.

On the way, I found kids playing in rain. I cant stop myself thinking my childhood past. Making leave to school on those rainy days, and playing in rain water with my brothers and sister. It’s a wonderful thing to come by in everybody’s life.

Cyclone and Thunderstorm today- Educational institutions declared holiday” when i see those head lines in papers and news channels, i will be soo happy. The interesting thing is that it never rains on that day and that particular day would be a sunny one.. whatever it is, i got a day leave… there is no homework nor assignments and I would be happy to spend my day with my friends playing cricket or fighting with my sister. I will b happy not seeing my History Teacher’s face(he really bore’s me with those numbers).

Playing with clays making dolls, making paper boats and leaving it in the rain water along with your sister/brother and at one point of time, splashing the rain water, stamping the paper boat and immersing it which leads to a fight… then amma comes into the rescue… Those are always priceless days specially for people like me staying away from the family…

Relations and Sentiments always gives u responsibilities and its my misfortune that whatever(whomever) I loved, used to be away from me(hurting/killing).Whatever it is, I learned to be positive… I always live by my principles and promises.

1 comment:

  1. Great that you shared your experience at Mindspace... through this blog. But you ought to remember it is these friends, who don't ignore your announcement in sametime and give a pat for your success . Ofcourse the nostalgic days would be worth remembering, but trying to make the present days worth remembrance is all we can do. so haffun buddy...[:D] Well, gud piece of ur heart is xposed... be careful.. galz wud b behind u...[lol]
