
Friday, November 23, 2007

The Real Smile

Things go wrong, getting hurted made me feel worse, but the only thing, which made me smile, even on those worse hurty days of my life, is my Parents Happiness.

It was the worst part of my life, which I never wish to turn back. Those 4 months is like a HELL. I never suffered that much in my life. Cant remember a day without painful-tears. Having a Fake smile to the outer world and crying daily in my heart and back, whenever I entered my room(thanks a lot for my friends, who helped me pass those painful days). Even on those painful days, the only thing which made me smile, is my parents smile.

By fulfilling there small small dreams and wishes, made me see there hidden childishness. No matter what is there age but for a moment they tend to become a child with those hidden emotions.

I never seen my father smiling so happily in my life. But when I made him a Surprise gift of a Brand new bike in my first month salary, the smile and joy I saw in his face made me feel, "I can live without anyone, if I can see my parents smiling like this all throughout my life.” I can do anything for them for the things they sacrificed for my happiness. Nothing gives you a greater joy than your parents smile especially if you were the reason behind it.

Picking my family to the restaurant, Kids having fun around while my sister blinking at the menu card for the order, passing jokes and having fun… all are wonderful memories. I was in hell with those personal battles going on in my heart, but there happiness made me feel the heaven. It made me happy even on those worse days.

I still cant find a day without painful tears in those 4months, but the only day which made me smile is when I was with my parents making them smile.

Believe me friends, Nothing will make you feel great than your parents smile. Try fulfilling there desires and wishes, you will feel the real lifetime joy and satisfaction in your heart. They are the only person who doesn’t know to hurt you.

They enjoyed my success more than me and at the same time they got hurted more than me, for me. No matter its Soccer or Academics, they are the one who celebrated my performance/achievements. And at the same time, she is hurted more for punishing me at odd times.

The only time they punished me in my life that to in a real hard way keeping silence, but doing so they also get hurted…
Miss u ma, Miss u dad, miss u mythili n all….

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