
Saturday, December 15, 2007

My Re-Union – An Unknown Beautiful friend of mine

People who read my last years blog about Reunion would remember my friends and the fun we had. This time I will say about my another friend I had in my school days. Many don’t know her. Only, a few of mine who is closer to me knows about her.

Going years back, the Happiest part of my life where I never used to bother of anything and lived life enjoying every single moment with my friends and family.

The day will start with a smile seeing my mothers face and a small fight with my sister. Each day, we used to invent new new reasons to fight and this never stops till we go to bed and sometimes in the dreams tooo...

Looking back into my diary,
It was on 6th May 1995, i stepped into my school for the first time in my life.Its a Boys School. That’s the first time I saw that beautiful place filled with flowers, listening the song of the kukoo, the Soccer field(I dunno at that time that,it will become my best friend) and all. I lost my heart on my first sight and fighted with my dad to join that school as he had some other option in his mind.

I got some wonderfull friends before I joined school who incidently was my classmates and also my best friends in my life. Incidently one of his name is VINOD and the other one is Satyan. We were friends from the Training classes for the entrance exam we had in our school.

I loved playing soccer in that ground. “Soccer field”, it was my best friend ever who gave me many wonderfull moments in my life to cheer about. Who gave me many good friends in my life.

In the meanwhile during the day, when I am in school I got her friendship.

She used to wait for me in the hot sun and in the rain. She used to wait for me all throughout the day. I see her daily and i never missed her during my Lunch. I used to go to her and talk with her. Along with my Friends, we used to sit and lye on her laps and start sharing what all happened on the day. Sometimes we used to sleep sharing things with her.

She used to be there whenever i needed and listened me and made me feel easier

During those examination days, we used to go and study with her. I used to pray with her before I leave for exams. And once the exam got over we used to share our question paper with her. All went good till the year April 2000. Later due to circumstances I had to miss her and my friends, as I moved to other school. But whenever I get time, I used to go and see her. I used to lye and sleep on her laps. She offered us peace…

This year I missed my friend. But she is always waiting for us at the same place. Ohh….! Sorry, forgot to introduce my friend na….. Wondering how a girl can be there in a boys school na???
She used to Stand at the back of the Second Main Soccer Goal Post near the back gate of our school decorated with those yellow colour flowers. Yes, she's a tree... This is the place we would gather to meet our friends during every re-union.

Everytime when the Reunion day comes, I used to sit back and think of those wonderful days I had in my school. I used to think of those priceless gems I earned in my life called “FRIENDS”

This year the Re-Union day was on 15th December 07. Every year we are looking for this day. No matter where we are...On Re-Union day, we will assemble together to meet our friends & our Teachers. That’s the promise we hold.

Due to some reasons, I couldn’t make up this year. But all throughout that day, my thoughts were all around my school and my friends. That’s the kind of impact/feeling my school has made it in us.

check our school link

Friday, November 23, 2007

The Real Smile

Things go wrong, getting hurted made me feel worse, but the only thing, which made me smile, even on those worse hurty days of my life, is my Parents Happiness.

It was the worst part of my life, which I never wish to turn back. Those 4 months is like a HELL. I never suffered that much in my life. Cant remember a day without painful-tears. Having a Fake smile to the outer world and crying daily in my heart and back, whenever I entered my room(thanks a lot for my friends, who helped me pass those painful days). Even on those painful days, the only thing which made me smile, is my parents smile.

By fulfilling there small small dreams and wishes, made me see there hidden childishness. No matter what is there age but for a moment they tend to become a child with those hidden emotions.

I never seen my father smiling so happily in my life. But when I made him a Surprise gift of a Brand new bike in my first month salary, the smile and joy I saw in his face made me feel, "I can live without anyone, if I can see my parents smiling like this all throughout my life.” I can do anything for them for the things they sacrificed for my happiness. Nothing gives you a greater joy than your parents smile especially if you were the reason behind it.

Picking my family to the restaurant, Kids having fun around while my sister blinking at the menu card for the order, passing jokes and having fun… all are wonderful memories. I was in hell with those personal battles going on in my heart, but there happiness made me feel the heaven. It made me happy even on those worse days.

I still cant find a day without painful tears in those 4months, but the only day which made me smile is when I was with my parents making them smile.

Believe me friends, Nothing will make you feel great than your parents smile. Try fulfilling there desires and wishes, you will feel the real lifetime joy and satisfaction in your heart. They are the only person who doesn’t know to hurt you.

They enjoyed my success more than me and at the same time they got hurted more than me, for me. No matter its Soccer or Academics, they are the one who celebrated my performance/achievements. And at the same time, she is hurted more for punishing me at odd times.

The only time they punished me in my life that to in a real hard way keeping silence, but doing so they also get hurted…
Miss u ma, Miss u dad, miss u mythili n all….

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Fake Smile & Hidden Tears...

When u are not around,
I just cry…I have wondered why?
Then I realized, my tears just comes out searching for you;

You are in my eyes,
I know you are scared of darkness,
That’s why I keep my eyes open.

When am angry, you know what to do
You just smile, and
My anger loses the battle against it;

I want to spend a whole day with you,
I wish my life is just one day long;

If we can talk only during nights,
I wont bother my life being dark.

How can I say????
You are angel without halo and wings or
An angel is you with a Halo and wings
I guess the second is better.

No matter what you do,
You Always Conquer my heart.
Miss you!

Monday, July 30, 2007

One evening, walking in the RAIN.....

Sitting in the second floor with music of those keyboards all throughout day caused due to busy programming, I Slightly turned my chair, watching outside through the glass wall. Hmm.. Its so dark & its raining heavily. The water is flooding through the roads and people were walking, slightly lifting there pants.

Its almost 6.30pm, I have been about 10 hours in office and its time I have to give me some break for the day.

By the time I left my office, its drizzling outside. I slowly walked down the road enjoying the slight breeze and the chillness in air. More than that its drizzling & I loved to walk around the atmosphere.(I love to walk in rain because no body knows I am crying –by Charlie chaplin… these words were 100 percent true for me these days)

The bus stop is so busy with peoples rushing to catch buses which is already full. I decided to walk a kilometer searching for a hostel.

On the way, I found kids playing in rain. I cant stop myself thinking my childhood past. Making leave to school on those rainy days, and playing in rain water with my brothers and sister. It’s a wonderful thing to come by in everybody’s life.

Cyclone and Thunderstorm today- Educational institutions declared holiday” when i see those head lines in papers and news channels, i will be soo happy. The interesting thing is that it never rains on that day and that particular day would be a sunny one.. whatever it is, i got a day leave… there is no homework nor assignments and I would be happy to spend my day with my friends playing cricket or fighting with my sister. I will b happy not seeing my History Teacher’s face(he really bore’s me with those numbers).

Playing with clays making dolls, making paper boats and leaving it in the rain water along with your sister/brother and at one point of time, splashing the rain water, stamping the paper boat and immersing it which leads to a fight… then amma comes into the rescue… Those are always priceless days specially for people like me staying away from the family…

Relations and Sentiments always gives u responsibilities and its my misfortune that whatever(whomever) I loved, used to be away from me(hurting/killing).Whatever it is, I learned to be positive… I always live by my principles and promises.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

A dream come TRUE...I met my ANGEL

07-07-07, A dream come true for us….A year dream, the first meet, the first touch, the first smile, the first walk with me, the first word n all…..cho chweet…

Its always a 50-50 chance…we were not sure tat we can meet tomorrow but everything went by gods wish…

Woke up at 7am and refreshed my self waiting for her call/sms…I got her sms at 7.45am…all my dresses were in the laundry and luckily I had a brown(not exactly) pant a blue(mixed with sky blue,blue n white) with me…I rushed to the laundry to iron it…by the time she started and she was on the way…the laundry person said get it in the evening…ayyo, what to do…troubles started and im getting mad.. I payed him excess above the bill and requested….atlast I managed to get my clothes ironed within 45min…by that I tried to take breakfast but I cant…I tried to drink milk but I cant…. then clothes came pressed…I took the pant and wore the t-shirt and rushed to Hi-TECH where we decided to meet…

I took the pic(childhood pic) that she sended me. She said me once that I should show her that pic when I meet her first.. I prayed god and rushed to Hi-Tech…. Initially I thought I can meet her in madhapur but time-went fast…

She said me before, that she will wear brown colour chudidar on Saturday(7-7-7)…Im waiting for my unknown girl…

Things started happening with fun…today I found more number of girls wearing BROWN colour chudidar… I started guessing and my heart beat raised.. for the first time in my life I combed my hair on the road wid the help of a motor cycle mirror..

Then my angel called me and asked the colour of dress im wearing. I thought to play with her and said im wearing RED colour pant n Green Colour shirt(cant even think of those colours….so bright...hehehe)

But things happen in the other way. Waiting for her under the shades of the tree, I found more girls with brown chudidar.. I found a girl standing besides me with brown colour chudidar.. Im thinking, “is it my angel??”.. I thought to ask her a”R u ANGEL??”. But im afraid that I may get ended with a slap…

Again i got a call from her, that she went past HI-TECH and she coming back through share auto…im waiting for my angel… it was a different feeling all together…

Then my mobile smiled(rang) again…Its angel. I attended the call n said, “Hi angel, where area u??”..she said im crossing the road da. Where are u???…..”..

We saw each other and we realized in the first sight itself…we together raised the hand immediately…what a feeling that was????…her face was sooo bright…

I cant think anything and I turned myself to the wall and thinking “what should I talk and how im going to see her face…” im not shy but how im going to see face her… my legs started to run but I controlled. She came towards me..i bowed my head down… when she came, I said “HI da” and just made a clap sort of thing with our single hand(cricketers used to do wen wicket falls)…then I said, “lets move da”. Thats the first touch and the first word between us..

i started to blabber within myself.. we were standing to cross the road…at that time a sumo came turning on the corner…I just caught her hand and asked her to come back and said “B careful..” ..we crossed the road… we took an auto and went to temple near by.On the way I showed her the first pic she sended me..i was having it in a cover and when I handed the cover to her, she opened her eyes widely smiling WATS THIS??… I understood her thoughts and asked her to open…she saw it and smiled and said me ”keep it with u”. I always used to tease her and have fun…Ofcourse she is my girl and whom can I comment other than her…I love the way she reacts to those comments….we cant see each others face and we were hiding our faces on the opposite sides of the auto watching outside…

We reached the temple n washed our legs and got that archana things(coconut,garland n all)..she bought some jasmine(so beautiful like her).. we prayed an I kept tat vbudhi (it was orange in colour bcoz its hanuman temple) on her head. Then made some 5 rounds…those 5 rounds were like rounding the agni(fire) after marriage.My legs were running and I cant walk or talk with her… we were talking for hours all these days but today, im blabbering… I couldn't utter a single word.. I was trying to call my friends and simply blabbering passing time(I cant see her face, so im doing all pichee(mental) sorts of things…)

then we prayed and left the temple…I called my sister and said “ im wid angel” and she talked with her…

This was a Surprise time. I catched an auto..she asked where we are going now.. I said we are going to My OFFICE now… On the way we were sharing some words and im clear that Iam blabbering with her, but cant help myself stopping it..

We got down at CYBER PEARL building(thats were I work).we crossed the road.. she is short(comes few centimeters below my shoulders) and had difficulty in climbing the small wall(between two sides of the road). I gave my one hand and helped her..we entered the building… it was soo nice walking together…

I was thinking, One day we two come to together working in the same office.. we entered the office and there I saw my friend who came with his family to show the office… we got introduced ourself and went to canteen and had some snaks.we had some nice moments with his family… surely it would have boosted her confidence and would have felt the corprorate culture… I couldn’t take her to my office because only family members only allowed..may be later 2011, i will take her as my spouse...

For us, we were married but for outer world it should happen some day nor the other.. may be on or after 2011. I pray that by 2011, im good enough to meet her parents and at the same time my sister gets married before that...Lets finish all my responsibilities by then

Then I took her to my room and got blessings from our parents…we had a nice time around. Its time that my parents have to leave for there train…it was a sentimental moment where myself,father and mom teared… they didn’t took breakfast…even the last night they didn’t had proper food… we shared tears n I said them bye….

This is life… nothing is permanent and one day nor the other we have to miss them…but its my girl who is going to be with me all throughout my life and im happy tat she is around with me now….The auto started and my parents went.

I was searching for flower shop. But theres no shope near by… then I found some beautiful flower at the middle(between two roads) of the main-road path.. I asked her to wait and immediately crossed the roads and collected some handful bunch of flowers(both white and violet) and gave her saying “I love u”.. I saw only the silence with smile and her eyes was speaking and her chin was blushing…hahaha..really it’s a wonderfull moment …we shared some nice wonderful time till the evening

She feeded me her lunch as my mom does.. I felt my mom in her. I was teasing her having fun watching her sounds.. the way she says, VINOTH and all… its really wonderfull and still there are many feelings unexpressed in this blogs… the day went like fraction of a second.. then we finished our day with prayers in the temple where we went in the morning..

I dropped near her home in auto.. On the way she was holding my hands and lyed on my shoulders. It was soo nice.. now I saw her face.

It was the beautiful and brightest face I have ever seen in my life…she is the beautiful girl and she is the best…. All above that, her heart is chooo cute and chweet….

Dreaming about the day, when we are going to travel together like this with our little family… still years to go and im going back to work hard and face the corporate challenge… praying god helps me to succeed in my new career filled with professional life…

Her place came and she got down and went seeing my angel as she walks away from me...she slowly faded away from my sight but not from my heart..she gave me some wonderful moments today… I loved the way she smiles and the way she reacts when I tease her.. I love the way her chin n cheeks moves while she speaks.. I love the way her ear-ring dances..

Then I catched three buses and two autos to go to my guest house.. I couldn’t eat that night... the room was soo calm and lonely…no one there to order me, no scoldings and I felt soo lonely but all happens for good.. im alone from my family working for them. Im thanking god that my angel was here….

He made us wait and travel pass all those pains… Everything Happens with a reason and now i understood the reason behind our 13months.. He examined us a lot.

I want to see her face all throughout my life.. chooo chweet and choo beautiful really she is a girl made in heaven…..

I pray that she gets placed in this final year in the same company as mine and we two work together…we two go and come back from office together… So friends atlast I met my angel…pray for us that we two get succeeded in our life very soon without any opposition frm this world..

She is my everything…

Guys I typed this whole thing sitting in a browsing center.. so kindly forgive me if this blog has any spell-mistakes…I have no time to check them yaar…

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Countless Reasons why i love U!!!!

Each & every moment u were so sweet....
it may b showing the careness and love of a mom
or kicking me wen iam wrong
or supporting me on my odd days
or watever it is, i love u for wat iam!!!!
u r the reason for everything!!!

after ur arrival,
everything looks sweet,
everything looks beautiful,
and iam nothing bound to achieve,
Anything without u!!!

Its hard to pass by,
Even a second without u
Its hard to imagine,
a life widout u

What ever it is....
From hell to heaven,
Life is beautiful with ur thoughts!!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Hibiscus Flower - My Angels Heart

After a sleepless night reading her sms, I went to college with her thoughts….i was feeling her presence with me…when I was passing by the entrance of the college, i saw a beautiful white colour hibiscus (chembaruthi in tamil) flower smiling at me...i felt that as if my angel is smiling at me...i went near the was so soft and beautiful as her heart. Suddenly it started saying me that "vinoth, how can u say like that?...u r my everything da...i love u a lot idiot!!!". i was feeling something as the flower continued talking with me...i felt my angels heart in that flower...i don’t want to leave my angel(flower) alone and so, i plucked that flower and took it with me...

I was having a sweetest conversation with her heart (flower) sitting in the last bench in the classroom reading her sms…her heart was so cute and soft….it was smiling at me and I don’t see anything in my eyes except the flower…hours went talking with her heart and when my friend called me up I realized the lunch was over…….Four and half hours gone like a second talking with her heart(flower).

Then i went to play volleyball as usual in the afternoon (since we are in the final semester, we are let free in the afternoon). I started to serve but I couldn’t serve…I couldn’t concentrate…some one is calling me “vinoth, vinoth…don’t leave me alone…come and talk with me…” I turned back and no one is around…just when I tried to serve again, I realized it was her heart (flower) calling me…

I can’t stand anymore…I just left the volleyball court and sat with her heart (flower) under the shades of the tree. We (i and the flower(her heart)) had one of the sweetest conversations …all throughout the day I was talking with her heart….so sweet, to be filled with her thoughts!!!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Battle between Brain & Heart!!!!!

Wake up, wake up my dear(HEART)….talk to me, talk to me!!!!
Why are you these days not talking to me(from 5th Dec 06)….wake up dear, wake up!!!!

(No response)

Wake up, wake up….talk with me….
Why are you dead these days???? what happened to you???

(slowly beats….. as Angel angel, Angel angel INSTEAD of lubb dubb, lubb dubb)

What happened to you???? Beating different…why are you not talking to me these days??? talk to me dear!!!!

Angel…Angel…(it continues to beat as Angel and never responds)

Why you always think of her……why are you not talking with me??? what happened to you??? Talk to me please…..iam nothing without you!!!! please talk with me…..please…..

(it stays calm and again it beats as Angel angel……..)

Why you always function thinking of her, caring for her?...can't you think of you?…how long will you keep on thinking her…what made you soo??? She keeps on hurting without saying any reason but you keep on living with her thoughts….can't you live without her??? can't you function in a normal way???? you these days not talking to me and if at all you come alive you think about her???? Are you MAD???

(again after a long pause it starts beating Angel angel, Angel angel…….)

Now Stop playing. you better talk with me or get lost??? Answer me what happened to you???? I can't live without you….don’t be idle and talk with me!!!!

After a deep silence answers ”You can't live without me and I can't live without her……”
(after answering it again starts beating Angel angel, Angel angel…..and slowly goes idle without talking as B4…)

Ohhh…..but don’t forget me…please remember me atleast and take care of me too…… Love You!!!!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Secret of my Success....

When iam down,
with those sucessive failures,
she was with me urging me to win...
her words boosted me the confindence,
her voice raised me to the occasion...

no one around, except her
urging me to win...

when i have won,
all were around,
except she!!!

she deserves this sucess,
she deserves all of mine!!!

why cant she realise,
i need her by my side...

She is my secret!!!
She is my sucess!!!
She is my Life!!!
She is my Love!!!
She is my everything......

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Lonely Travel!!!

My heart so calm...
with gentle breeze around!,
during those lonely travel,
iam arrested by your thoughts...

On the day it was sweet,
but off the way,its painy!!!!

Make life busy,
make life busy!!!!....
To fool myself,making life BUSY!!!